White Out for GT Homecoming

I have no problem with whiteouts and support them. My only question is this: If we want it to be (more) successful, why doesn't GTAA/bookstore or somebody go buy a öööö-ton of cheap ass white short and long sleeve T's in bulk, have a simple GT or something very cheaply screen printed on the front, and sell for $5-$10 a piece right outside the gates? Even at $15 most people would buy them if they didn't have one. It's like we set ourselves up for failure then do nothing to improve on it.

Wait, are you talking about the place that sells $20 water bottels and $10 coffee mugs?
As an architect, which shade of white are we suppose to wear? Want to make sure I don't clash.
I'm just hearing of this and my wardrobe has already been set -so no white for me.