The Ted


Nov 19, 2007
Endzone second level looks to be best seats. I'm guessing the other side is temporary seats because there are seats behind them too
50 yard line season tickets: $500
Parking in a random back yard across I-75: $20
Having to turn your head 20 degrees to the left to watch the whole game: Really ööööing annoying
Man, that is not a good look. I don't know how many seats are in that stadium... but only a couple hundred are decent for football watching in that illustration. Seems like a big waste of a hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars facility.
Just think, soon some 18 year old freshman will be standing next to the spot where Sid slid, as he makes the decision to dose Morgan's Michelob Ultra and tonic on the rocks. Then, during the second quarter of Georgia State's blowout loss to Devry, he can finally take her unconscious cherry, on the pavement behind the car parked where Otis Nixon ascended into heaven to rob Andy Van Slyke's bitch ass.

Meanwhile, some truly atrocious football will be played on the field where won a game in October that one time (I made this part up.)
Just think, soon some 18 year old freshman will be standing next to the spot where Sid slid, as he makes the decision to dose Morgan's Michelob Ultra and tonic on the rocks. Then, during the second quarter of Georgia State's blowout loss to Devry, he can finally take her unconscious cherry, on the pavement behind the car parked where Otis Nixon ascended into heaven to rob Andy Van Slyke's bitch ass.

Meanwhile, some truly atrocious football will be played on the field where won a game in October that one time (I made this part up.)
Was Sid's slide at The Ted or in the Blue lot? I know Otis climbed the wall at AFCS
Was Sid's slide at The Ted or in the Blue lot? I know Otis climbed the wall at AFCS
Blue lot fam. Same season, '92, different games in which we may have been a little rough on the Pirates.

edit: in the same game as Otis' catch, Charlie ööööing Liebrandt robbed Van Slyke of another hit on a bullet back to the mound. And then he has to be the one who tried to warn Barry Bonds but failed and murdered the franchise instead. We ööööed that dude up.
Blue lot fam. Same season, '92, different games in which we may have been a little rough on the Pirates.

edit: in the same game as Otis' catch, Charlie ööööing Liebrandt robbed Van Slyke of another hit on a bullet back to the mound. And then he has to be the one who tried to warn Barry Bonds but failed and murdered the franchise instead. We ööööed that dude up.
I was sitting eating a steak and having a beer at Ernie's Steakhouse on Johnson's Ferry Road in Cobb County when Otis made the catch. Place went batshit. I just got chills thinking about it.
I was sitting eating a steak and having a beer at Ernie's Steakhouse on Johnson's Ferry Road in Cobb County when Otis made the catch. Place went batshit. I just got chills thinking about it.
I was a 10 year old boy sitting about 20 rows up from the field down the 3rd base line. If I wasn't already, I was pretty obsessed with baseball/Braves after that. They must have shown it 25 times on the big screen and every time they showed it, the place cheered louder.
Turner Field: a ööööty place to watch a sporting event since 1996.
I don't know why this is getting big crys. Turner field was not a great stadium. Maybe it was good for Olympic track, but the conversion to baseball was crap. It looked fine on tv. But it sucked going to games and having your seat face center field rather than the infield.

The area around Turner field also has no redeeming qualities.

All of that said, Braves games are always fun regardless of where they are. I just think the new place, designed as a baseball stadium and not a conversion, is so much better thought out on the small details.

Edit - and its 3rd iteration is going to be the worst of all.
I was sitting eating a steak and having a beer at Ernie's Steakhouse on Johnson's Ferry Road in Cobb County when Otis made the catch. Place went batshit. I just got chills thinking about it.
ernie's was bad_ss