FYI - Matt Uremovich

Another great show of courage from that young man. God speed to him. Sometimes I can not but help and think back on players we have lost too early and think about what might have been - Matt, Miller, Wiley and there are others.
I'm confused-- did he stop playing @ Tech due to injuries? Yet he's well enough to train as a Ranger?

Don't get me wrong, that's great for him, I just don't remember what was wrong with him (back?)
I think it was his neck moreso than his back. It was hits to the helmet that they feared would do him damage.
If Matt has back or neck problems of any kind the last place he needs to be is in the Rangers! One hardopening jump out of a plane going too fast or a hard plf and he could be crippled for life! Should it happen in combat a mission could concievably have to be aborted ! Sorry, admire his guts and patriotism, seriously question the armys physical exams, and somebodys sense.