Did anyone else just see Chan Gailey and


Helluva Engineer
Aug 4, 2003
P.J. Daniels, James Butler and other team members on Fox 5 News ?...They were building a home for a needy family through Habitat for Humanity....
THANKS BW for posting that!!

You just made my weekend. THAT'S the kind of leadership that will develop the kind of character and team togetherness (not to mention chemistry) that we need!

Way to go Jackets!!!!!!

I saw it last night, with three other stories that included GT sports. I cannot remember hearing about another football team really getting that kind of exposure on the nightly news.

I think it made Gailey look very good as a coach, leader and "maker-of-men". That's the kind of thing that will open doors to parent's hearts. It's a reflection of his character. Is this the type of character parents want instilled in their children? I should think so...

I just hope that he stays for an extended period of time. I have always had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that Gailey's tenure will be relatively short. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.
Re: THANKS BW for posting that!!

What does a couple of guys building a house have to do with leadership and team chemistry?

Don't get me wrong I have given money to H4H but I dont fully understand your comment. I can see how community service builds character but how does it build leadership?
Re: THANKS BW for posting that!!

Ham, it simply means that the guys get used to working together on something important and in so doing build comraderie and chemistry. They learn how to do things together for the common good. Working together on a worthwhile project teaches them how to work TOGETHER. They've got to get along to accomplish that task and that goes that much further to develop leaders and team synergy and chemistry.

Re: THANKS BW for posting that!!

You're right. Hammering and sawing does not build leadership skills. It does [as so aptly put] build comradery and the concept of team, i.e. individual pieces coming together to create something worthwhile.

In terms of leadership, I was once told that to lead from the front is to be followed anywhere, to lead from behind is to become a cheerleader (no offense to the cheerleaders). I'd rather have our student-athletes pulling not pushing.

Essentially, my comment comes down to this: Gailey is putting the players in a situation where they can learn from real life. He's giving them an opportunity to see what it's like giving instead of taking, and most of these kids have been given a lot.

Without getting too philosophical, the best leaders (and teammates) are those that have a better understanding of the entire picture around them.

I look at this project as an opportunity to educate another part of these kid's minds. There's more to life than football; and as a community, we all have an obligation to each other. Team means foregoing your own needs for the betterment of the whole.

Don't get me wrong. It's a good project, and in perspective, it's just another series of Saturdays for these guys. It does, however, seem representative of what CGailey's trying to do with these kids. But, everyone's entitled to their opinion.
Re: THANKS BW for posting that!!

What does a couple of guys building a house have to do with leadership and team chemistry?

Don't get me wrong I have given money to H4H but I dont fully understand your comment. I can see how community service builds character but how does it build leadership?

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It definately builds leadership. They are setting a great influence on the younger players at GT. That is what the older guys are supposed to do, and they are doing just that. The younger guys kind of look up the stars and the seniors of the team, and these qualities are setting a good example for our younger guys!

What does a couple of guys building a house have to do with leadership and team chemistry?

Don't get me wrong I have given money to H4H but I dont fully understand your comment. I can see how community service builds character but how does it build leadership?

[/ QUOTE ]

just think about the converse....when Warrick got caught stealing what message was sent there? When you do something GOOD AND SELFLESS...it is a HUGE leadership trait. What this means is that other players are more likely to follow these players advice as well as the coaches.

When a coach gets a DUI it becomes very difficult for a player to REALLY listen to that coach tell him not to "drink and drive." It is self evident that when you do volunteer work to help the needy your stature among the group rises and you become a leader.
IMHO.....Chan Gailey as the Head Coach of

these young men IS showing great leadership by giving our boys a great example of the type men they should become..Helping the unfortunate by giving of themselves and sweating it out under the heat of the day to build them a House is one solid example of what a leader should be....Believe me, these young men will learn from this experience about leadership and sacrifice...This builds character which not only spills over onto the Gridiron but carries over to life after Football....
honestly, it isn\'t a big deal....

Several schools do this and have been doing it for years.

It doesn't make a hill of beans difference in building teams long term. Just as many that have done it have had trouble off the field as have not.
Re: THANKS BW for posting that!!

another example of tech fans trying to put a negative spin on something good. their glass is always half empty and not half full.
Re: THANKS BW for posting that!!

Listen it's a good thing. It helps to show young men who may think they're on top of the world that there's more to life than football and money. So it's all good. But it also doesn't mean a thing in terms of winning football games.
If it is being done for any other purpose than to help someone less fortunate then it is an illconceived effort. I am sure the guys understand this however.
This is just the kinda thing that can bring a gang of ballplayers together. Working together in order to help someone else. Coach knows his stuff and it's very evident. There is much more to team work than the x's and o's.
Way to go Coach Gailey and team.