Dedrick Mills dismissed

Smoking weed is worth costing yourself a chance football? What the ever living öööö is wrong with you? I mean, what the ever living öööö?
Smoking weed is worth costing yourself a chance football. What the ever living öööö is wrong with you? I mean, what the ever living öööö?
And since this is the third goddamn time in the last motherööööing year, we can't really say "I feel for him, kids are dumb, they make mistakes." öööööööööööö is an adult and a repeated mistake isn't a mistake, it's a symptom of down syndrome. öööö.
I hope he enjoys digging graves to support himself. He certainly just dug one for us.
It will be just our luck that some A-hole like Petrino picks him and he comes out of this better than us.

And for all the people that claim weed is not addictive................