BCS vs. Playoffs


Jolly Good Fellow
Aug 25, 2003
I used to be a big playoff person until I thought of this:

NOTHING irritates me more than to hear a player say, "Well, I wish we'd done better, but we know we're in the playoff's and as soon as the playoff's start everybody is equal again anyway."

That is why the Braves stink. They always count on their Mulligans and can't get it in gear when every game counts.

No matter the sport - or in any area of life outside of sports as well - when people have a safety valve, they use it.

The BCS STINKS, but it's better than a playoff system. I'm all for revising the Bowl system, but I never want to see the day when every single game doesn't count for every single team.

The "back against the wall - every single game" mentality is what makes college football better than NFL, MLB, College Baseball and Basketball, and so on and so on.

I never want to see a day when any college football team feels they can get by with a Mulligan.
...a playoff system for the final four teams would be great. You'd still have the number 5 o 6 team clamoring for unjustice, but having the top four in a playoff would solve alot of debate...and co-national champions.