2003 Tech Offense


Nov 19, 2001
I have read posts from the naysayers trashing Tech's offense and stating it did not improve over the year. I decided to look up the records to see the results. The following is total yards gained per game by Tech.

BYU 243
Aub 251
FSU 240
UC 293
UV 331
NCSU 372
WF 441
UMD 228
Duke 389
NC 446
VA 273
UGA 401

Of course, anyone realizes there are a few games in the year where a team is not in sync offensively. There is no doubt, the Maryland game was an old fashioned defensive battle between both teams.

The only other game that fell back to near the first of the year offense was the Virginia game. Even the Virginia game was above the first three games.

It should be noted there was a definite improvement in the offense from the first four games of the year onward. Looking at the total yardage for each game, this cannot be denied.

Father Time
Originally posted by ahsoisee:

Duke 389
NC 446
VA 273
UGA 401
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">We lost 3 out of 4 of these games.

What is your point? Moral Victory?
IMHO...I think a big reason among others as to why we lost was: too many Frosh. mistakes and i agree with i believe the Mortensen article that attributed a lot of it to that.....
Beeserk, it appears you still cannot read. Go back and read my post very slowly. It plainly states some on the board insisted our offense did not improve with the season.

The numbers prove the offense improved from the beginning of the season to the end.

Other than that, you will have to solve your own problems.

Father Time