New Uniform Preview

will the gold ever be right, boys? at this point, is our perception of what is the "right gold" just not reasonable? does it even exist? do we have an official gold? why call it gold if it's not exactly gold? do we have the same gold as nd? no? then why is it sometimes what seems to be the right gold looking based on what you guys say and other times not? in my lifetime, i've only seen a handful of games ever where the unis looked absolutely amazing. will i ever again? will this dummy athlete stop taking excessive test without keeping his estrogen in control? does the ncaa test dummys? can the dummy do an option read?

please help
Like the simplicity, looks like the sleeves, number, and pants are different golds, might be a video issue, or done purposely to poll fan reaction.

Also nice to get this stuff out early, to check reactions and then performing tweaks if necessary,

Guess the markings on jersey and bottom of pants is some Adidas thing?
It's just Adidas adding their style to what we had. Nothing new or exciting. Would rather have kept the stripes.
played like boobs, and adidas is just going with the flow

I think if you look close enough, you can see the R logo whited out under the adidas logo
Since A is outfitting all our teams, the mannequins must display a gender neutral bias and have attributes of male / female / it / shemale / hemale / undeclared S/As.

Fonts look good.

Gold in hat, shirt, pants looks to match fairly well.

Do not know what the heck the spots or stains on the bottom of pants are suppose to be.