I was getting ready to say the same thing. Great news!!!!!

A day after final exam scores were posted, Gailey confirmed that all of his other players remain eligible to play.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Link: GT Notebook
Anyone have any info on Wheeler? He has to be ready to play LB next year.
Perhaps our trouble earlier in the year was a one-time shakeout and now the academic ship is in order. Being the optimistic sort I will believe that until I see evidence to the contrary. It was too bad for the fellows involved. Hopefully they'll come out alright in what they end up doing - youth usually adds to one's bouncebackability (new word).
Does anyone have any word as to when we will hear which players from Flungate officially made it back??
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
Does anyone have any word as to when we will hear which players from Flungate officially made it back??
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I was under the impression that we wouldn't know that until the end of Spring semester. Maybe I'm wrong though.
I hope that is not the case..They would not be able to attend Spring Practice...Does anyone in the Know...Have an answer??